Soviet t-39 tanks battle of kursk
Soviet t-39 tanks battle of kursk

All in all the T-34 is not a grind by any stretch of the imagination, and it can be a truly deadly weapon on the battlefield if used properly. With mobility, the T-34 is average and is only on par with other tier 5 mediums, but with a decent top straight speed for cruising. The turret itself has decent sloped armour for its tier of roughly 60mm all-round and the hull is on the thin side but very well angled. The 76mm S-54 is a brawler's cannon not unlike the heavies with poor aim time, and indeed used to be available on the original Tier 6 KV-1S, but trades alpha for reload. The 57mm ZiS-4 gun is a great gun for its tier, with a high accuracy and fantastic DPM. In terms of stats, there are two main guns. However, given that tiers represent the time periods of the tanks and that the nations are idealised and able to produce anything they like while the T-34 was one of the most famous tanks of World War II and the spiritual grandforefather of almost every modern MBT, there are much better competitors available. Three variants of this model were produced at several Soviet factories from 1940 through 1944.įrom a player's point of view, the T-34's almost mythical reputation in real life leads some to believe that it will be a kind of "wonder tank" in-game. The legend of the Soviet armored forces and the most widely-produced Soviet tank of World War II, with a total of 33,805 vehicles manufactured.

Soviet t-39 tanks battle of kursk